Luscious Woman Online Sexual Empowerment Course

A unique sex therapy course to develop complete sexual empowerment as a woman

Fill in the missing link to wholeness as a modern woman - your sexuality.

Do you feel like you just tick along sexually?

Do you believe there's something better but you’ve yet to discover it?

It’s not unusual to think like that. Most people have no idea how wonderful our sexuality is - especially for women! The reality is so different to the bad old days when women's sexuality was seen as of service to men's. In fact, my first secret to you - that's completely back to front!

There is so much more to discover, join me to find out…

"Wake up to your gorgeous orgasmic sexual potential!"

Start your evolution today! AUD $249 (approx $US165)

Or log in here

jacqueline hellyer womens sexual empowerment course

Hi, I'm Jacqueline Hellyer,

As one of the world's leading experts on sex, love and intimacy I've worked with countless women, waking them up to their glorious sexual potential and helping them live fuller, happier lives.

I've spent thousands of hours talking to women in my therapy practice, seminars and retreats - and I know how confusing being a woman can be these days: are you supposed to be soft or strong, sexy or demure? You don't want to be the asexual prude of the bad old days, but is the only alternative to be some kind of porn-star clone? Absolutely not!

Meet the seven elements of female sexuality, I like to think of them of the Seven Sex Goddesses within, and discover how they can help you truly embody your sexuality and express yourself fully as a woman! These elements represent fundamental psychic energies that you can draw on to awaken your sexual potential. You'll become more sexually confident and expressive, have more sexual desire and greater sexual response!

And this means the whole of life will improve!

Live a fuller, happier life - both in the bedroom and out!

Enrol in the Luscious Woman Online Sexual Empowerment Course and learn to embody your sexuality! Learn how to get into your body, feel your energy, and open yourself up to the incredible potential of your female sexuality.

Why the Luscious Woman Online Sex Course is So Effective

1. Developed by a REAL expert
You're not going to find many people on this planet with my level of knowledge and experience. As a Transpersonal Sexologist I've studied everything to do with sex, love and intimacy at the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels, and with nearly twenty years of experience working with people over thousands and thousands of hours - I know what works.

2. Great Information
This is based on information that you actually need - even if you don't realise it yet. This isn't tips and tricks, this is sexual empowerment from the inside out. Distilled from ancient Tantric and Taoist wisdom and modern scientific knowledge and therapeutic practice, combined with the experience of countless real women I've worked with, this is information that is real and effective.

3. Practical
This is real information for real women. I give you a lot of theoretical information, because knowledge is power; and I give you a lot of practical approaches and activities, so that you can really embody the information.

4. Tested
I've been developing and testing the seven elements of sexuality approach clinically for over ten years - and that's not to mention all the previous years that led up to me compiling it in a way that works for the contemporary woman!

5. Connected
I'm not just an expert, I'm a busy mother of three - I know the challenges we face as modern women! The combination of my own experience and that of the thousands of people I've worked with means you can feel secure that I know you and that this approach will connect you to the essence of being a woman - so you discover the beauty and power that connects us all!

6. For All Women
This information applies to all women, whatever your age or stage of life.
Whether you're:

  • a mother wanting to put yummy back into mummy,
  • a long-term wife or partner who's lost her mojo,
  • shy and timid and wanting your hand held to explore,
  • a woman wanting to build your sexual confidence and increase libido,
  • exploring sex and intimacy as an older woman,
  • long-term single and wanting to get out there,
  • active and out there but lacking intimate connection,
  • or already luscious and knowing there's always more to learn and experience...

...every woman can benefit from the Luscious Woman experience!

expert womens sexual empowerment course
practical womens sexual empowerment course
real womens sexual empowerment course

When you do the Luscious Woman Online Sex Course you will:

  1. Feel confident (the #1 thing men find attractive in a woman).
  2. Be orgasmic - in so many different ways! From peak orgasms to orgasmic waves to orgasmic states...
  3. Relate to men with equality.
  4. Be able to ask for and receive what you want.
  5. Become very skillful at pleasuring your partner, and really enjoy doing so.
  6. Feel complete.
  7. Be healthier, happier, juicier and totally luscious!
womens online sex course

The seven elements

This modern view on the seven elements of female sexuality is the result of my pioneering, original research and it's having major positive impacts on women - and their partners.

This is a developmental approach as each element includes and transcends the ones before, until you find wholeness, a mature complete meaningful sexuality.

(You'll also learn to avoid the shadow sides of the elements, which are anything but empowering.)

"By accessing all seven elements of yourself and your sexuality you will become a beautiful powerful loving woman."

seven elements to sexual empowerment

How This Course Is Structured:

For each element there are a series of videos and support material that provide:

1. A detailed description of the element

2. A fictional story personifying each element

3. Videos on specific issues relevant to that element

4. Breath, mindfulness and meditation practices

5. Homework activities

The Seven Elements of Sexual Empowerment

The Lady expresses 'CENTREDNESS'

“It feels good because I am just who I am…”

It all starts with you - having a positive sense of self, centred, confident, balanced in your yin/yang masculine/feminine elements.

The Amazon expresses ENGAGEMENT'

"It feels good because of the engagement... we meet as equals.”

The Amazon is the Lady in action, the part that can meet your partner with equality, assessing for worthiness, co-creating safety.

The Bawd expresses 'PLAY'

"It feels good because it's fun! Let's give it a go!”

The Bawd brings lightness, creativity and freedom to life and love!

The Madonna expresses 'COMPASSION'

"It feels good because the focus is you..."

The Madonna embodies sex as nurturance and healing. She's selfless, she pays attention to the other (but never out of obligation).

The Seductress expresses 'ALLURE’

"It feels good because I draw you in. It's all about me. Yet it is for our mutual pleasure. Oh yes..."

In contrast, your Seductress element enables you to know what you want and ask for it - in alluring, enticing ways…

The Maestra expresses 'VIRTUOSITY’

"It feels good because I play you like an instrument...and you love the music I make."

A maestra is someone skilled in an art, in this case the Art of Sex. Your Maestra aspect revels in her skill at providing exquisite pleasure for her partner.

The Earth Gypsy expresses 'YIELDING’

"It feels good because I can completely let go. I surrender to you, I surrender to the experience..."

Having embodied all the previous goddess elements, a woman can access her Earth Gypsy and safely surrender to the experience, feeling the bliss and rapture of completely letting go to the flow!


jacqueline hellyer review

"I feel far more comfortable with myself and have a willingness to explore and grow in this rather new area of my life - how exciting."

jacqueline hellyer review

"A really powerful, transformative experience. I feel I have reclaimed something precious and essential."

jacqueline hellyer review

"You've changed the whole way I look at sex, now I feel so much more positive and free and empowered!"

jacqueline hellyer review

"Luscious Woman has truly shifted my thinking, my life and me, in a wonderful direction. Thank you so much Jacqueline."

Enrol now and feel the way you've always wanted to!

Pay just $A249 (about $US160) to weave your sexuality and spirituality together and reach your fabulous female sexual potential!

The information I will be sharing with you will change your life forever. It will help you find your inner confidence, connect on a deeper level and find the love that you have been searching for.

If you’re ready to discover the sexual secrets of you and your body then sign up to my course now.

Get Instant Access to this Online Sex Course for Women

"Get a lifetime of gorgeous sex for the price of a good pair of shoes!"

jacqueline hellyer womens sexual empowerment course


Here are two of the over fifty videos you'll have access to on this sex therapy course for women!

Do you have a male partner? Go on your journey together!

Register him for the companion course:: Blackbelt in the Bedroom - Sexual Mastery and grow into to your sexual potential together. I recommend that you watch the videos for each level separately and then discuss and practice together. It's a great way to get to know yourself and each other and to develop the skills to co-create an ongoing great love life.

Get a 25% discount for registering both of you together

That's just $A375 for both courses (about $US250)! It could be the best thing you ever do!

Discover your birthright - the delicious pleasure of being a truly luscious woman!

mens womans sex therapy online course

On a personal note:

I’ve been running women’s workshops and retreats for fifteen years now and I absolutely love them. There’s so much crap associated with female sexuality, so many limiting myths and misinformation, that it’s a great privilege for me to shine a light on this part of life so you can discover just how gorgeous your sexuality really is!

It’s hard to find really good quality, empowering information on sex as a woman. Positive female role models who really know their stuff and walk the talk are hard to find. Well, I’ve been on this journey myself and I’ve helped countless women discover for themselves how awesome it is to open to their sexuality, so I hope I can be that for you.

Over this weekend I’ll distill all my knowledge and experience, to guide you along the way to your own empowerment. I hope you will join me, and let me help you discover the delicious pleasure of being a truly luscious woman!

I look forward to changing your love life forever! (With a little help from my seven sex goddesses within...)

jacqueline hellyer sex therapist
womens sexual empowerment course the lady
womens sexual empowerment course the amazon
womens sexual empowerment course the bawd
womens sexual empowerment course the madonna
womens sexual empowerment course the seductress
womens sexual empowerment course the maestra
womens sexual empowerment course the earth gypsy


See what Luscious Woman Course Graduates Say

Online Course FAQs

Yes, the course is completely private! You can do whenever, wherever you like, at whatever pace suits you.

No, you can do the course whether you are single or partnered. It's designed for all women.

When you register you'll be asked to pay with a credit card. Transactions are done securely through PayPal.

You can access the course at any time, for as long as you like!

There are around 50 videos in the course, ranging from two to twenty minutes. That's a lot of content for you!

The course is designed for women of any age and stage of life.

It is very hetero-focused, although lesbians would find it useful (when I redo it I'll make it less hetero!)

You just need a screen and a wifi service! You can do it on a computer, laptop, tablet or phone.

Just contact me and I'll look into it for you!


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